In this third millennium, year after year, millions of people all over the world take to the streets to demand change.
In reality, they not only ask for it: this people “is” the change.
Indeed politics looks and feels exhausted. Paradoxically, it needs us, the demos, at all.
We believe that a new element is needed to make this dream of change a reality.
A new element not yet widely experienced: political decisions and the governance of cities and of the world cannot take place only in the “Public Square” or only the “Halls of power”, but has to spring from the dialogue between institutions and citizens.
This is precisely the idea of CO-Governance: it can offer a key in the today world. Yes, because the winning change is a new co-responsibility "institutions / society”.
This is a very relevant relationship both in the micro-situations of a city and in the global macro-issues. Relationship that - precisely because of the advent of new social movements, the concept of networking, as the following document ”Pact for a new governance" suggests, and for an intelligent support of social media - can become the viable key to a new season in politics.